My Learning Philosophy
What are my learning strategies? The best way to define my learning is drawn through inspiration. As a child, I’ve always drew inspiration from characters, role models, and creativity. As I grew older and self-evaluated my thoughts and actions, natural methods became far clearer. At the time, it didn’t dawn on me that I was naturally self-teaching myself through those inspirations. Development and mastery of skills is a trait I’ve been partaking within for most of my life. This hunger for learning and mastery has been the perfect recipe for grad school, educating students, implementing teaching methods and strategies, which is in perfect alignment for everything I’m currently involved in thus far. Everyday must consist of learning something new and adopting it through mastery.
I’ve learned to accumulate a lot of knowledge through reading as well. When my mind is fixated on acquiring new information, I tend to lose myself in reading/research. This allows my mind to escape into another world. Decoding the information, reflection, owning, then applying what has been learnt is the typical process of how I learn. Once the information has been accumulated, I test out the research in society. Through social interaction, I discover what works and what does not work. In retrospect, I regroup and, this apply until the process becomes natural.
As mentioned, reading is a major contributor to learning, but socialization is the other. Learners remember 10% of what they read and 20% of what they hear. Human interaction provides a personal touch for me. I find myself constantly conducting social experiments with the general public. This can be in the form of formal conversations, informal conversations, or questioning. From a formal approach, I like to exhibit an intellectual persona in which I take the facilitator approach. This consists of teaching what has been accumulated towards a certain topic or subject and a leadership role is established.
Through this interaction, ways of learning and working towards a shared goal are accumulated. Informal conversations tend to be more relaxed and general topics that pertain to life is my choice of discussion. This is my favorite form of social interaction because I allow myself to teach as well as learn. General questions and methods of understanding aid in being a better life-long learner. Learning from others fails and success creates self-awareness in which I utilize towards my journey in life. This can stem from stories, debates, and common connections that broadens one’s own thinking and intellect. I learn a lot by listening, it’s ok to utilize vocalization, but listening while encoding what’s being stated is far better. In fact, that was one of my most pivotal learning discoveries, where I made the most progress the fastest.
In the context of school, I learned best by reading on my own as well as in a group setting where we could discuss what was read. Overall, I learn by talking things out with others, bouncing my understanding of theirs, incorporating some of their ideas, seeing points I had missed and incorporating their new ideas into my own or adding on to my ideas with some of theirs.
In summary, I prefer to learn by:
*Reading a large variety on the subject
*Conducting social experiments
*Reflecting, owning, and applying through mastery
*Moving while listening
*Talking it out with others – collaboration
To master something, you must be able to get deep into it through analyzation which takes time. What’s very critical to remember, don’t limit yourself by saying you “cannot” when situations become difficult. Below is a clip that specifies towards learning styles.