Big Hairy Audacious Goal
My Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for the course is to create students who are:
•Innovative-intellectual thinkers who can generate thoughts on their own by questioning the process of information through formulation of general connections. By doing so, connectivity in real world situations will be better interpreted in their thought process.
• Buying into and establishing a sense of ownership. Having the courage to know that their current teacher will not always be around, and they must learn how to function on their own and utilize their growth mindset to obtain a positive outlook and approach to any endeavor. This shall increase student skill set and modeling through mental stimulation and communicative procedures.
• Courteous towards others with respect and manners in any social setting, not for everyone around, but mostly for themselves as human beings. This will enable them to mesh well with any culture and understand the process of culturalization.
•Embrace the beauty of life-long learning through understanding of it’s growth process (Rome was not built in one day).
•Aware and knowledgeable of scientific theories and mathematical concepts.
Foundational Knowledge for Science
Vocabulary enabling communication regarding the properties of objects, changing patterns in nature that repeat themselves, compare basic needs that all living things have for survival.
•Properties of matter
•Earth systems and patterns
•Nature of science
Application Goals- Students will use:
•Critical thinking, in which students understand scientific methods and scientific inquiry.
•Creative thinking, in which students imagine and create dialogues, presentations and blog/journal entries
•Practical thinking, in which students use their knowledge of scientific inquiries to successfully listen, interpret, perform, and evaluate the scientific process.
•Raise and investigate questions about the natural world, generate explanations based on exploration.
Integration Goals – Students will make connections:
Students will have a sense of belonging in the scientific community. They will understand the norms and grow together as a team.
Human Dimensions Goals
Create a pathway of belonging for every student involved. This will create a sense of belonging and have a creative learning/language style for our community. Taking such activities will also be taken outside of the classroom to make the process more inclusive. Being inside of the classroom is good but functioning outside of the classroom in different settings will aid towards a better learning experience.
Caring Goals
I hope students will adopt an open mind towards concepts that are different from their own, while looking at science in a broader spectrum of life and growth through the curiosity. I hope students will become fully aware of their natural environment and the process in which this occurs. Through curiosity of how our world operates, students should hopefully develop respect and interest in various life forms.
“Learning-How-to-Learn” Goals
Students will learn that individually; they are all capable of being a leader. Building off this concept will generate responsibility for students and their willingness to thrive for higher achievement. Students love to have daily task inside and outside of the classroom and building off such a trait will aid in developmental leadership skills.