Action Research Plan
Having a topic or a question that is too broad will make it difficult to design and measure a study. I have narrowed down my ideas to identify a problem concrete enough for action research.
Problem: Math students struggle with mentally calculating basic algorithm. They have become more flexible in the way they compute using calculators. It allows them to apply their knowledge of place value and other number related concepts rather than using a traditional algorithm. Why? They don’t know their basic algorithm. Why? They don’t do drills. Why? They aren’t fun. Why? It’s repetition and takes effort.
The topic of my action research is to find out if technology can help my students increase their accuracy in mathematics.
My fundamental action research question is: Will increasing student use of technology in a blended environment affect student accuracy with mathematics and assists in improving their understanding of mathematical concepts in a blended environment?
This is a topic of high importance for math teachers in elementary. Students inability to utilize understanding correctly results in misunderstandings, poor test scores, low confidence in their abilities to master concepts, and an over-reliance on resources.
Although, this varies from student to student -- the few that study hard or have strong recall can master this skill, but the rest struggle and simply choose to shut down in the process. Finding a way to help them remain assure of themselves in a blended environment will be an incredible breakthrough in the class and will impact other math classes as well.
I settled on this idea after seeing how blended learning and the use of technology can positively impact a math classroom. The studies I read which led me to this conclusion are available in my Literature Review.
The participants of this study will be 4rd grade elementary math students. The math block shall last for 90 minutes weekly Mon-Fri.
Fundamental Research Question
The fundamental research question: Will increasing student use of technology in a blended environment affect student accuracy with mathematics and assists in improving their understanding of mathematical concepts in a blended environment? To prevent limitations, a variety of questions for research is deemed necessary. Secondary question of importance: What new technology is being used for teaching and learning in the classroom?
Procedures and Instruments
The implementation as well as observations will begin mid-September to give students a chance to encode objectives for the school year. Students will have an initial survey on Prodigy to measure their level of confidence with concepts as well as their attitudes and outlooks regarding the technology which they were expected to use. The technology chosen will consist of three online sites: Prodigy, Education Galaxy, and Quizlet. From further studies, it a possibility that Duolingo will be added to the procedure as well. Students will be required to access the sites with their smart devices through the free apps. Learners will join the classes created by their teacher for progress to be monitored. Devices are readily available in the classroom for students if their devices are dead or not properly functioning. A timed multiplication drill will occur at the beginning of math on the site Prodigy. Their goal is to achieve an 80% on the assessment. No more than 10 minutes per class this activity. Learners will utilize Quizlet Live two times per week (Monday and Friday) in class to review the same content that they were working on with Prodigy.
Students shall be issued the same Quizlet and competition of flashcard and matching activity per week. This activity is homework and competition outside of class is part of the flipped classroom concept. The third site, Education Galaxy is a review of basics through a variety of games. Ed. Galaxy is also an activity to be completed outside of class with a weekly goal of earning points. These three sites are to be used during the entire 8-week action research study.
The last step of procedure, students will complete a final survey to gauge their level of confidence and perceived level of competence with mathematical concepts, as well as their perceptions of the sites they used over the 8 weeks. It is crucially important that the same methods and the same assessments be used during the entire 8 weeks, making the measurements reliable and valid.
The survey that students will be presented with, is a survey on Survey Monkey to check their level of understanding in relation to mathematical comprehension. (Click to open).
Data and Analysis
This is an exploratory mixed-method study combining mainly quantitative research data with a qualitative survey. Before the procedural implementation begins, students will take the benchmark assessment to test their basic knowledge with mathematical concepts. This assessment is a 27-question summative assessment. Students are tested on multiplication, two-step word problems, fractions, addition, subtraction, and division. It is necessary to measure their competency in this area, due to being retested with the same exact test at the end of the 8 weeks to measure understanding.
During the first two weeks data collected will consist of both scores on Prodigy. Completion rate of the weekly two activities on Education Galaxy as well as completion of goals on Quizlet is set for collection also. Assessments will be given every two weeks consisting of multiplication strategies. Such assessments will last for the duration of 4 minutes. This will be used to measure understanding towards concepts and equations. Students will be tested on the 2nd, 4th, 6th, and 8th week. Scores are collected with the use of computer software. Lastly, students will be given the benchmark test they took before the procedure began. Results are collected and compared with the initial results in a graphics chart.
The qualitative data usage will be examined using descriptive statistics to measure central tendency and measure relationships between the results on the websites and the results on the assessments. Computer software are determined to be utilized as well. Data recording shall take place in Google Sheets and charted in graphics to illustrate variations and changes for the duration of 8 weeks. Survey answers are to be studied and coded to identify steadiness between any perceived benefit of the sites as well as confidence in their ability towards mathematical concepts.
Timeline for Action Research
•September 22nd, 2019: Administer survey
•October 3rd, 2019: Administer Benchmark
•October 8th, 2019: Begin implementing technology
•October 22nd, 2019: Math assessment
•November 5th, 2019: Math assessment
•November 19th, 2019: Math assessment
•December 5th, 2019: Math assessment
•December 7th, 2019: Administer Benchmark
•December 8th, 2019: Administer survey
•December 2019: Create graphics, organize student data and write conclusions
Sharing and Communicating Results
Results will be discussed with team members during planning periods to implement and try new formats. Ideas and findings will be addressed with administration for clearance.
How Literature Review Informed Study
Through further research of the literature review, I learned about the pros and cons of technology. Utilizing technology in a math classroom has several benefits but, creating a balance between instruction and human interaction is important. I want students to embrace the technical aspect of blended learning with technology as well as human interaction with active learning. Certain aspects of math require human socialization while other methods embrace technology beyond measure. Ensuring students receive the perfect blend in math with the exceptional methods discovered will make for a successful learning experience.
Reflecting on the Process
Reflection is a part of the process. Analyzation of the research plan should be conducted accordingly. Knowing what worded and what needs improvement shall grant clarity for an effective plan in the future. The process is time consuming, but beneficial for instructors and students alike. Problems will occur and is expected, but this serves as a learning tool for better management and effectiveness of an action research. Learning new ways concerning implementation of math technologies into lesson planning creates a variety of learning styles which accommodates different learning styles. Being the best teacher to ensure quality learning in the room is the appropriate way of ensuring classroom management. Collaborating with grade level team members and addressing the importance of implementing an extra day for iPad stations shall be presented to administration. One day per week is not enough for student engagement with technology. Students are more receptive towards what they are familiar with. Adding such comfort will only enhance their learning experience.
For the word document version of this action research plan, (click to open).