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Big Hairy Audacious Goal and The Three Column Table

This math/science class has 22 students in the classroom. It consists of both math and science which is split with Ela and Social Studies that rotates with another class before the afternoon. The classroom is structured to minimize distraction and increase individual attention. Students are broken into small groups. By using small groups, teaching can be tailored to the way each student learns best. This is known as differentiated instruction. The class meets daily (5 times per week) and students only leave the classroom for lunch, recess, and out-class. The course will be delivered in a blended fashion, with in-class presentation as well as online delivery of material and a lot of online practice and assessments.

The physical elements of the learning environment are desks grouped by 4 which rotate every quarter, a smart board and access to a computer lab with rather outdated and slow computers. On special circumstances, students can use their smart devices in class as we have internet access. I plan on making this more accessible next school year with parents’ permission and clearance from administration.

The structure of learning structure of the class utilizes both convergent and divergent thinking. It’s divergent because assignments that pertain to science allows students to use creative thinking towards group projects, students can solve problems with many possible solutions. Also, with divergent learning, the student is constantly assessing different theories, making comparisons, taking in all the different manners in which they can accomplish the communicative task and being open-minded towards new things, and ways of thoughts. As for math, (convergent thinking) problems may have two-three steps for solving, but the solution remains a single correct answer. Balancing and using both convergent and divergent thinking promotes creativity in the student.  

My students live in Pecan Grove which is a master-planned community with beautiful green landscapes. While not every student comes from an intact, middle-class family, the majority do. Most have a very positive attitude about learning various subjects and are excited to learn, however they are often very critical and negative towards their ability of mastery in which most students hold very high expatiations for themselves. Students are involved in after school activities such as gymnastics, karate, baseball, and soccer, which makes further demand of their time.

I am embarking upon my 5th year in education. The outlook and approach I once had at the beginning is far different in present day. In the early beginning, I thought of having a drill sergeant approach would be the best way to teach. Thankfully, I had an amazing A.P. and he quickly proceeded that having discipline and structure is needed, but not too over exhaust oneself. He mentored me throughout the first year and advised that it’s ok to display empathy. I quickly readjusted and allowed my heart to lead the way through teaching. This approach has gained major success for my students as well as I.

My strengths are that I am not a traditional book and lecture teacher, but rather try to be creative in my teaching to involve the students as much as possible. When the connection is present, every aspect of teaching and learning shall be embraced. I firmly believe students need a teacher to challenge them academically, but also guide them in a social aspect. Students learn far more than academics on campus, they’re in preparation of becoming productive citizens. It’s our duty to ensure them with scholastic achievement in conjunction with a social position in society.  

A year (or more) after this course is over, I want and hope that students will display a love and knowledge of the Math/Science structure, as well as the ability to communicate in a way that satisfies them and reveals to them their ability to learn and add significant skills to their repertoire, thus furthering their joy and ownership of learning and their delight and curiosity about this world.   

  My Big Hairy Audacious Goal (BHAG) for the course is to create students who are:

•Creative and curious thinkers able to discern and create innovative solutions and ways of making connections in and to their world.

•Able and willing to take ownership of the learning process, fully engaging and owning it and able to transfer that skill to other subjects.

•Respectful global citizens with an enhanced and an enlarged view of their world, enriched with the knowledge and beauty of different cultures.

•Successful at communicating and connecting with people who value life-long learning.

•Aware and knowledgeable of scientific theories and mathematical concepts.

Foundational Knowledge for Science

Vocabulary enabling communication regarding the properties of objects, changing patterns in nature that repeat themselves, compare and contrast basic needs that all living things have for survival.

•Properties of matter

•Earth systems and patterns


•Nature of science

Application Goals- Students will use:

•Critical thinking, in which students analyze and evaluate their culture and scientific methods

•Creative thinking, in which students imagine and create dialogues, presentations and blog/journal entries

•Practical thinking, in which students use their knowledge of the language to successfully listen, speak, read and write in the target language

•Raise and investigate questions about the natural world, generate explanations based on exploration

Integration Goals – Students will make connections:

Among material in this unit and the students’ own personal and social life, comparing and contrasting their culture to another.  They will continue to make connections between our scientific language and the target language both in syntax and lexicon.

Human Dimensions Goals

Students will learn about their own culture regarding family life and marriage as well as school life and be able to articulate their values and preferences regarding those matters.  They will also be able to share their thoughts and show respect for students who feel differently.  The ability to be open minded is emphasized.  Students will be able to speak knowledgeably about the scientific culture and values regarding those same topics.

Caring Goals

I hope students will adopt an open mind towards concepts that are different from their own, while looking at science in a broader spectrum of life and growth through the curiosity. I hope students will become fully aware of their natural environment and the process in which this occurs. Through curiosity of how our world operates, students should hopefully develop respect and interest in various life forms.  

 “Learning-How-to-Learn” Goals

How to become a self-directed learner of this subject, i.e., having a goal and learning agenda of what they need/want to learn, and a willingness to complete the blueprint I shall provide in order to achieve it. I show the way and they make the journey. 

Students will take the initiative if they are weak in a certain area and seek out help when it is needed, being able to self-analyze, self-direct and self-advocate.

Students will also need to take ownership over their learning by checking, due dates, retrieving course information online, completing research on their own, working in groups and submitting assessments on time.  They will also fill out a leadership self-analysis each week along with an engagement level survey, showing reflection and the ability to monitor their own learning.

Now for the columns…

Big Hairy Audacious Goal and The Three Column Table: About
Big Hairy Audacious Goal and The Three Column Table: Welcome
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